作为国际学校青少年运动协会(JISAC) 成员之一,清华附中国际部小学乒乓球代表队在体育老师施旭辉的积极组织和带领下,参加了由国际学校青少年运动协会组织的11岁组乒乓球比赛。清华附中国际部代表队共有7名队员,获得了男、女个人单打共六枚奖牌。The THIS primary school table tennis team participated in the U11 table tennis tournament which was organized by JISAC. Ms. Monica, the physical education teacher, is our group leader. There are seven students on the THIS team, and they have achieved outstanding results in both men's and women's singles.
在12月10日加拿大国际学校举行的乒乓球比赛中,四年级的赵家乐一路拼杀,斩获男子单打冠军。男子冠亚军对决,成为本次比赛的焦点和亮点,比赛现场时时传来热烈的掌声。五年级的李若琳经过一路拼杀,摘下桂冠,获得女子单打冠军。其他三名参赛队员赵震希,赵思霆,丁浩宸也打出了自己的高水平和努力拼搏、不言放弃的精神。On the 10th of December, it is noteworthy that Jacky Zhao fought his way to the men's singles championship at Canadian International School. The championship and runners-up duel has become the focus and highlight of this competition. Every incredible duel received enthusiastic applause. Lilian Li won the title of women's singles champion. The other three players Jason Zhao, Justin Zhao and William Ding also played well and showed the indomitable spirit of great competitors.
此前在12月1日北京京西国际学校举行的乒乓球比赛中,来自国际部五年级的吴兆琨和四年级的赵家乐分别获得男子银牌和铜牌;五年级的李若琳和朴惠临分别获得女子银牌和铜牌。On the 1st of December, Will Wu(G5) and Jacky Zhao (G4) won the men's silver and bronze medals respectively in the table tennis tournament at Beijing WAB International school. Lilian Li (G5) and Grace Piao(G5) won women’s silver and bronze medals respectively.
乒乓球是中国的国球,这项运动是集健身、竞技和娱乐为一体的运动。通过乒乓球训练,可以使青少年形成良好的心理素质,较高的智力水平,增强自信心、自制力、独立性、思维敏捷性,更可以弘扬中华民族的文化精髓。Table tennis is the national sport of China. It is a sport integrating fitness, competition and entertainment. Through table tennis training, teenagers can form good psychological quality, higher intellectual level, enhance self-confidence, self-control, independence, thinking agility, and can promote Chinese culture too.
生命因运动而精彩,运动让梦想成真。热烈祝贺清华附中国际部学子在国际学校青少年运动协会乒乓球比赛中获得的佳绩!希望他们再接再励,在教练的指导下再创佳绩,继续取得新的成绩,感受体育运动带给他们的快乐。Again, we would like to congratulate our young players for such a fantastic playing, excellent teamwork, and great achievement. Congratulations to the table tennis team of THIS. Good job!
编辑Edited| Linda Gao
审核Audited| Jeff Joyce, Toni Dong, Lan Yi, Wenping LiTsinghua International School (THIS) was established by Tsinghua University a decade ago. It is an international school that seeks to meet the educational needs of Chinese overseas returnees’ children. It recruits students residing in or intending to reside in Beijing from foreign nationalities, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. THIS is located in the century-old Tsinghua High School, next to the beautiful the Old Summer Palace.THIS strives to provide a high quality education, combining Eastern and Western cultures, promoting Chinese and Western values. THIS enrolls students from grades 1 to 12. The primary school consists of grades 1-5, junior high school includes grades 6-8, and senior high school covers grades 9-12.The mission of THIS is to cultivate students among international elites who are rooted in both Chinese and Western cultures, have independent thinking abilities, and an innovative spirit. THIS educates multicultural students, preparing them with 21stCentury Skills. THIS adheres to the core values of collaboration, cultural diversity, engagement, discovery, and Tsinghua Spirit as it develops creative, bilingual, and innovative lifelong learners.
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