Best team,great Work
In the last two years, based on the advanced educational philosophy of “Independent Learner” and “Responsible Global Citizens”, the Primary and Middle school of SHSID has already published several kinds of school magazines. These are divided into primary and middle school curriculum, SHSID charity; along with innovative and cultural columns.
The Primary and Middle school broke the limitation between different models and distributed 5 different types of journals. The following periodicals highlight our school’s goal of educating children for a changing world, student’s individual needs, and p objectives:Curriculum for Academic Development, Youth Development, Creative Program, SHSID Primary p Character and Moral Education, and Service Makes Difference. These concepts provide opportunities to cultivate students’ basic knowledge and to encourage them to become responsible global citizens.
As an important component of “Responsible Global Citizens” curricular branches, SHSID Charity showed different activities including charity fairs, charity concerts, charity sports meets, seminars, and cooperation with charitable institutions, etc. We are all deeply moved by the sincerity of those students who contributed extraordinarily to charity events, and we are encouraged by the recognition and participation of our charity partners. The “Visible Charity” will continue be a partner in student and community growth.
In the innovative and cultural column, SHSID primary and middle school distributed the following 5 magazines: To beloved SHSID—Happy 25th Anniversary Collection of 2018 Innovative Program Dissertations, Cultural Bazzar, Sensing Primary p Chinese Culture Week, The Rainbow of Chinese Culture Week 2018. In addition to learning about students’ achievements in a variety of subjects, these kinds of activities inspire student enthusiasm and desire to learn more about Chinese culture and our school. This results in students becoming the best version of themselves.
SHSID primary and middle school will demonstrate our school values and the talents of our students in terms of more school magazines and colorful activities. According to the German philosopher Karl Jaspers, “education is a tree shaking a tree, a cloud to promote a cloud, a soul awakening another soul”. SHSID will always encourage students to learn, grow and succeed.
At the end of this semester, all faculty members in SHSID would like to say, “Happy New year!”
在新课程专刊领域,学校共发行了《初小学习者培养课程》、《Youth development》、《创新课程专刊》、《品格与品德教育活动手册》及《服务.学习.成长》等五种期刊。这些期刊结合各学段特色和学生个体活动需求,打破模块间的界限,将知识、技能、素质等进行了整合,一方面致力于学生基础技能的培养,另一方面鼓励学生成为具备可持续评估素养的全球公民,充分体现了“为未来而教学”。
慈善是一颗发自内心的嫩芽,需要精心呵护,为此,上中国际部初小学部慈善专栏《SHSID Charity》通过文字与图片的形式向大家展示了一幕幕慈善动人场景。通过这种“看得见慈善”的教育形式,使一届届学生茁壮成长。目前初小各学段的慈善活动包括慈善义卖、慈善音乐会、慈善运动会、慈善长跑、专题讲座等,并和各慈善机构进行“带进来、走出去”的合作,初小师生与家长代表的慈善足迹点亮了我国诸多省市及国外。这也是“负责任的世界公民”教育的有机组成。
在创新与文化专栏,国际部初小学部专门刊印了《我心 · 目中的SHSID——庆祝25周年优秀学生作品》、《孤独的小说侠》、《2018创新项目科创论文集》、《Cultural Bazzar》、《寻味——小学段中国文化周》等五类学刊,旨在通过对学生优秀成果的梳理,推陈出新,培养学生中国文化的热爱、对学校的热爱、对科学的热爱,启发更多的学生在课堂上、比赛中、生活里探索与寻觅到属于自己的一片宇宙。
Written by Meng Shiyue
Pictures by Aaron,Ginger