Ten years ago, it was our students who had the idea. On Earth Day that year, the Shanghai American School swim team called attention to the obvious fact that one day of caring for the planet surely wasn’t enough. These cross-campus Aqua Eagles (one school, two pools) felt compelled to find ways to use their experiences at SAS to be more responsible for their environmental footprint. This drive would go on to pave the way for themselves, their team, and eventually the whole school to better live our beliefs about being more mindful stewards of this planet.
Our sports teams at SAS do a fair bit of travel, much of it internationally, and the Aqua Eagles examined the carbon emissions this generated. Their solution was to develop a program wherein student travel expenses would always add in a carbon offset cost, money that would be directed to our Roots and Shoots club to purchase and plant trees each year in Inner Mongolia. (This cost also covers the care and maintenance for the tree throughout its lifetime, through the Million Trees Project.)
At the start of their carbon neutral program ten years ago, the Aqua Eagles were recognized by local TV, a local magazine, and even Jane Goodall herself for their efforts. Meanwhile, on the home front, they had inspired SAS to step up and build this into all student travel. The entire Activities Office on both campuses soon followed suit, and carbon offsets are now included every time we hit the airport.
十年前,在启动他们的碳中和项目时,上海美国学校的游泳队员们受到了当地电视台和杂志、甚至是Jane Goodall本人的赞赏。与此同时,他们的举动也激励了上海美国学校采取措施,将这个项目应用到学生们的所有出行活动中。上海美国学校两个校区的活动部很快便纷纷效仿。现在,我们每次前往机场都会进行碳补偿。
This past weekend was China Cup for our Aqua Eagles, easier to be carbon neutral because we hosted it home on our Puxi campus. (Stay tuned for news on that event.) Our swimmers are now getting in gear for the rest of their (carbon neutral) travel this season, with meets ahead in Bangkok, Singapore, and Beijing.
Here in the ten-year anniversary of our Aqua Eagles going green, this team alone has raised over 180,000 RMB to date, resulting in 7,200 trees planted. As their impact lives on, we love to honor when our students are empowered to challenge us all to better live our values. At the heart of this community, our students are leaders of the future, so it is no surprise to often find them lighting the way.