No Animals Do Art, Only Human Beings人之所以为人,是因为艺术
Ms Holly Derbyshire is a charming art teacher. She teaches Studio Art.In school activities, her captivating deep voice easily engages an audience's attention.Holly Derbyshire老师是一位充满魅力的艺术老师。她主要教授绘画,但是在学校活动中,她低沉而充满磁性的歌喉总能俘获听众的双耳。
Q: Why did you decide to be an art teacher?问:你为什么决定成为一名艺术老师?
A:I liked being a student. In my elementary school, my teacher once said that I would become a good teacher. That sentence was always at the back of my mind. Later in my life, I went to university, and I forgot what it was I wanted to major in. But I really liked all of the artistic subjects, such as languages. I ended up getting a degree in psychology. At that period of time, I was also a singer in a band. Then, my parents told me I should get a real job. At the same time, my brother’s wife was a teacher, so I thought I could get a teaching degree within about a year, if I put effort in the subjects. Being a teacher was actually a cool thing.答:我总能回想起自己做学生的时候。在我小学的时候,我的老师曾告诉过我,我会成为一名很好的老师,那句话我一直记在脑海里。之后我上了大学,却不知道自己想要学什么。但是我真的很喜欢所有有关艺术的科目,例如语言。最后我拿到了心理学的学位。在那段时间里,我成为了一个乐队里的歌手,但随后我的父母告诉我,我应该去找一份真正的工作。那时我弟弟的妻子是一名老师,所以我想如果我在这些学科上花些功夫的话,我应该可以在一年之内可以拿到教育学的学位。当一名老师其实挺酷的。
Q: Was art you favorite subject when you were a kid?问:当你是孩子的时候,艺术是你最喜欢的科目吗?
A: Actually I loved art, but I was really nervous in art class, because when I went to school, we sat beside each other and had to do the same thing, and the one who sat beside me would be like, “This is what I can do best,” and so it gives us a stressful experience. So I didn’t enjoy how art was taught, so that is why I do not teach art that way. I try to let everyone find their own thing and enjoy themselves instead of competing with one another. I was a pretty good student on every subject except for Math.答:其实我很喜欢艺术,但是那时候我上艺术课却总是感到很有压力、很紧张。那时我要和其它同学坐在一起做同样的作品,而坐在我旁边的人总是会说:“这就是我能做到的,我最多只能做这么好……”,这使得我们的课上总有一种紧张的氛围。所以当时的我不太喜欢艺术,因此,我的教学不会给学生太多的压力。在我的课堂上,我会试着让每个学生做出他们自己想做的作品,发挥他们自己的想象力,而不是做同样的作品,看谁做得更好。除了数学,我在其它科目上都是优等生。
Q: Did you have talent in art, or did you just like art?问:你在艺术上有天赋吗?还是只是单纯的喜欢?
A:I always loved to draw people’s faces. Many times, when I made an art piece, it was usually a portrait. I drew portraits that were realistic, but also kind of weird at the same time. I wanted to relate the piece of art to history, as well as show the person’s personality. My artworks were fun, but real. I would say I had some skills in art, and I was always fascinated with art and history too. I loved my art/history courses at university. As a student, I was often doodling in my classes while my teacher talked, because I probably have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or something, and needed something to do. I liked to draw during my elementary school classes.答:我热爱画人脸。我的艺术品常常都是一些肖像画。我的作品是倾向于现实主义风格的,但同时也会加一些奇奇怪怪的东西上去。我希望可以将艺术品与历史结合起来,去体现人们不同的个性。我的艺术品兼具艺术性和真实性。我在进行艺术创作时是采用一些技巧的,同时我也对艺术和历史很感兴趣,我以前很喜欢大学里的艺术与历史课。当学生的时候,老师在上课时我经常在教室里到处画画。我可能患有注意力缺乏症或者类似的病症,所以我需要随时做点事情。在小学的时候我很喜欢在课上画画。
Q: Is FDIS your first school to teach at?问:FDIS是你执教的第一所学校吗?
A: No, I started in the interior of Taiwan. Then I went to Brazil, Lebanon, Turkey and Japan. After that I went to Molenbeek (Belgium), and China. I travelled everywhere, almost.答:不是,我的教育生涯是从台湾内陆开始的。然后我去了巴西、黎巴嫩、土耳其和日本。之后我去了莫伦贝克(比利时),来到了中国。可以说我是在到处旅行。
Q: Why did you come to FDIS?问:你为什么来复旦附中国际部?
A: I came to FDIS because I had heard good things about Fudan University and FDIS. I always liked to communicate with students. I did a demonstration class here; I was impressed by the students’ ability to speak English. In another school in Shanghai, the students had a less fluid ability in speaking English. That’s why I chose FDIS. I thought teaching in FDIS would be a rich experience for me and the students, too.答:我来复旦附中国际部是因为复旦大学和复旦附中国际部声名在外。我总是喜欢和学生交流。我曾在这里上过一堂演示课,上课时,这里学生的英语口头表达能力给我留下了深刻的印象;而在上海的另一所学校,他们的表达能力远不如这里的学生。这就是为什么我选择了复旦附中国际部。我认为在复旦附中国际部教书对我和我的学生来说都会成为丰富而难忘的经历。
Q: How can you influence the students that were not interested in art?问:你如何感染对艺术不感兴趣的学生?
A: If a student doesn’t like art, I would try to find something that the student is interested in. I believed that everyone has interests in art, because art is strong and wide communication. I try to relate one’s potential in some area of art and bring it out, even if he/she is not skilled in art. The skill would be an easy and technical thing to learn. I would find the passion inside someone and bring it out; that is an exciting thing for me.答:如果有学生不喜欢艺术,我会尝试找到那位学生感兴趣的东西。我相信每个人都对艺术感兴趣,因为艺术是一种强烈而广泛的交流。我试图将一个人在艺术领域的潜力与他们联系起来,即使他们不擅长艺术。要学会艺术的技巧其实并不难。我会试图发现某个学生对艺术的内在激情并将其激发出来,这样的工作使我感到非常有趣。
Q: What do you do if a student is too active in your art class?问:如果学生在艺术课上过于活跃,你会怎么做?
A: I don’t mind a bit of freedom. I’ve worked in Japan and the students didn’t talk at all. They were totally silent throughout the whole class and it kind of freaked me out. It made me nervous. It was like talking to myself as I was teaching and it made me uncomfortable. So I actually enjoy when the students are chatting. I do have high expectations for the product though. If students can enjoy themselves while making art, I’m happy, as long as they're working. If a student gets too out of control, or disrespectful to other students, that bothers me, and art is a passion of mine, so I get really hurt, personally, if someone is rude or disrespectful to art or to the other students in the art class.答:我不介意让他们自由一些。我在日本工作过,那儿的学生们根本没有话说,整个班级都十分沉默,这让我担忧、紧张,仿佛我教学时是在自言自语,这让我感到不舒服。我真的很喜欢学生们聊天,我确实对学生们的艺术作品寄予厚望,但如果学生在创作艺术的同时可以尽情享受,我会更为高兴。如果一个学生自由太过,或者不尊重其他学生,那会困扰到我。艺术就是我的热情,所以如果有人对艺术或对沉浸于艺术中的其他学生不礼貌或不尊重,我会非常伤心。
Q: How or why do you recommend/encourage students to learn art?问:你为什么鼓励学生学习艺术?你是如何鼓励他们的?
A: To me, art is a really sophisticated means of communication; no animals do art, only human beings. Art's a unique thing and it’s a thing that indicates that we have higher intelligence. So to me, smart people do art and I think you will become smarter when you are doing art. So if you do well in any subject (Science, English, and even Math), it becomes an art, so everything at a high level is art. If we can start people at the ground level of actually creating artwork and appreciating knowing what beauty is and what they find beautiful, then it can translate to everything.答:对我来说,艺术是一种非常复杂的交流方式,只有人类懂得欣赏艺术,而动物却不懂。艺术是一种十分独特的存在,它可以体现出人类的智慧。所以对于我来说,聪明的人艺术感都不会差。并且我认为当人在做与艺术有关的事时,他/她会变得更聪明。所以,如果你能在某一学科,如科学,英语,甚至数学等上都做得很好,那么其实你也擅长艺术。所有高水准的东西其实都含有艺术成分。如果我们从入门的水平开始创作艺术,并且能够欣赏什么是美,拥有发现美的能力,那么你会发现,一切都是艺术,艺术就是一切。
interviewed, edited and translated by 8A8A班级学生采编完成reply “student-teacher interview” or "STI" to view more interviews with teachers
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