THIS athletics season 2 sports have been going strong since late October with boys and girls Middle School Volleyball teams and 2 boys and 1 girls High School Basketball teams. All teams have competed strongly in their ISAC leagues with final tournaments occurring this and next weekend around Beijing and Tianjin. The following are updates on how the teams have done so far this season.
JV Boys Basketball
For the junior varsity (JV) basketball team, consisting of 13 boys from high school 9th and 10th grade, it has been an amazing season so far.We have gone undefeated so far in the season.The first game occurred during the 14th of November and the JV boys did an amazing job communicating and demonstrating great teamwork.Every player that was on the court, demonstrating every core value of the school and they won the game 49:19.The second game occurred 16th of November after school and every player of the team did a wonderful job cheering their teammates on the field, demonstrating amazing collaboration.The THIS after school band also came and supported our players.Our team won 47:17.During the 3rd of December, our school played against Keystone Academy.Continuing to demonstrate our teams amazing skills and incredible coordination we won against Keystone with an unbelievable margin of 54:17.To conclude the season at its best, our amazing team played against BCIS on December 12th winning 62:20.We are so proud of our JV boys who “are undefeated right now, especially Bruce who gives 110% all the time.We’re looking forward to the final tournament and we’re hopeful that we will be the champion of our league.But we have a lot of work to do.” (Mr. Joyce)
Varsity Boys Basketball
The High School Varsity Boys Basketball Team played 5 games so far with 4 wins and one loss. Other than the first game, which also happened to be a division 1 practice game, the team has been undefeated in their own division. With strong players and great collaboration, the team has played well in all their division 2 games. The team will need to win champions in division 2 in order to advance. Both team morale and our expectations for the team are high, and we hope to see the team securing the champions title in division 2 and advancing to the next division.
Girls Basketball
国际部高中女子篮球队在整个赛季取得了明显的进步。在11月5日对阵加拿大国际学校的第一场比赛中,队员们表现出了高昂的斗志和高超的技术。11月2日,国际部与海嘉国际双语学校进行了第二场比赛,这是队员们们第一次尝试全场防守策略。队员宋天然说,“比赛确实很累,但我们从比赛中获得了很多经验。”经过更加刻苦地训练,队员们在11月14日与北京顺义国际学校进行了第三场比赛。这是女子篮球队自赛季开始以来与对方比分最接近的一场比赛。虽然最后国际部篮球队输了,这仍然是一个巨大的进步,为国际部带来了赢得下一场比赛的希望。12月3日的第四场比赛是国际部篮球队对鼎石国际学校的第一场主场比赛。没有让所有前来观看的观众失望,女孩们以19比13的比分漂亮地赢得了比赛。如10年级的观众汪尔雅(Chelsea Wang)所说:“女孩们在赛场上满怀希望,充满活力,我们都情不自禁地为她们鼓掌加油。她们的投篮、传球和上篮也表现得很棒。”在12月17日对阵北京世青国际学校的第二场主场比赛后,凭借鼓舞人心的士气和更加刻苦的训练,球队在主场保持不败。“女孩们不仅提高了她们的投篮水平,也提高了她们的传球和防守能力,她们的胜利实至名归。”汪尔雅说:“看到她们在比赛中一起努力,共同展现出清华附中国际部一直传承的体育精神,真是太棒了。”高中女子篮球的决赛将在1月12日举行,在此预祝所有勇敢无畏的斯巴达勇士们取得好成绩!
The new basketball season for high school girls started in early November. As an almost completely new team of players joining in across all grades, the girls are able to have gradual achievements throughout the season so far. In the first game against CISB on November 5th, both teams showed high spirits and skills as a new start and were all looking forward for next games with soaring energy and Spartan spirit. On November 2nd, the team had their second game against BIBA, and it was the first time for them to try a full court defense strategy. Due to that, according to the player Angel Song, the game “was very tiring for sure, but we [they] gained a lot of experiences. from it!”. After a few more practices, they had their third game against ISB on November 14th. This was the closest game that they’ve played since the beginning of the season. Even though they lost in the end, it was still a huge improvement since the team was missing multiple players due to school works. Carried on with the high hopes to win the next game, the 4th game on December 3rd was their first home game against Keystone. Without letting down all the audiences that came to watch, the girls won the game with no doubt with the score of 19 to 13. Like Chelsea Wang from 10th grade said as an audience: “The girls had high hopes and high energy with the amount of audience cheering them on. They also showed great efforts and skills with their shooting, passing and layups.” With this encouraging result and more hardworking at practices, the team remained undefeated at home after their second home game against BWYA on December 17th. “The girls are enhancing their abilities in not only shooting, but also passing and defensive skills that allowed them to reach the victory. It was amazing to see the girls work together and to show great sportsmanship during the game” said Chelsea. Their final tournament will be on January 12th, and after more practices and adjustments, we hope to see them to end their season with great results.
Middle School Boys Volleyball
11月8日,中学男子排球队对阵鼎石国际学校。这是球队本赛季的第一场比赛,最终国际部以2比1获胜。随后,在11月20日的比赛中,国际部男子排球队败给了中芯学校。12月1日,国际部中学男子排球队在世青国际学校进行友谊赛。友谊赛第一场是我队对阵北京英国学校,国际部0比2惜败。紧接着,国际部又要面对他们之前已经输给过的对手中芯学校,最终比分为1比2。尽管国际部排球队已经连续输掉了两场比赛,队员们依旧保持着积极向上的态度和斯巴达精神,并尽最大的努力投入到最后一场友谊赛中。最终,他们的努力得到了回报,国际部以2:0的比分战胜了北京世青国际学校。教练Dave说:“男孩们在最后一场比赛中表现出色,完全应该以2比0获胜!” 北京世青国际学校是一支非常强大和技术娴熟的球队,所以我们的队员们真得做到了勇敢地迎接挑战,以高昂的姿态结束了比赛。
The middle school boys volleyball team representing THIS with a team of 10 players has gone so far this season with some memorable moments. The team has now played 2 matches after school and one friendly tournament. They currently have a record of 3 losses and 2 wins in total.
On November the 8th the Middle School Boys Volleyball team played against Keystone. The game against Keystone on November the 8th was the team’s first game of the season, also first home game, and they won it 2 sets to 1. On November the 20th the Middle School Boys Volleyball team played against SMIC and lost the game. On December the 1st the Middle School Boys Volleyball team played their first friendly tournament at BWYA. The tournament started for the team by playing against BSB, lost to them 0 – 2. After losing their first game in the tournament, they immediately faced the team that they’ve already lost to before, SMIC. The boys lost to them 1-2. Even though the team has already lost two games in a row, but that did not beat them down. They kept a positive attitude and lots of Spartan spirit and tried their best to win their last game of the friendly tournament. And their hard work paid off, they won BWYA with a 2-0. Coach Dave said: “The boys played magnificently in their last game and fully deserved the 2-0 win! BWYA was a very strong and skillful team so our boys really rose to the challenge to end the tournament on a great high note.”
For now, the team has done pretty well. The victories against Keystone and BWYA were especially memorable. The boys are progressing well and they are now applying their three hits more consistently. Another big improvement is how the team can now receive even the most powerful serves from the opponents. According to Coach Dave: “For the rest of the season we must improve the consistency of our spiking, and we are looking forward to winning at least 2 games at our end-of-season tournament.
Middle School GirlsVolleyball
All throughout the season, form the first volleyball practice’s awkward misses and clumsy serves, to the strong spikes and fluent saves, the girls of the THIS middle school volleyball team have improved a great deal in a short time. In merely a few short weeks, the players have morphed from clumsy little chicks to star athletes.
Under the coach’s teaching and influence, the volleyball players have quickly developed their fundamental skills in bumping, setting, spiking and serving. They had already gotten the gist of volleyball a long time ago near the beginning of the season, and since then, the girls have been playing strongly with a clear pattern. Throughout their practice sessions, the girls demonstrated great understanding of the pass, set and hit routine.
In the first game, the girls, still new to the sport, played as hard as they could. In all three of the game sets, the scores were very close and exciting. But unfortunately, the girls still lost to the opposing team. Though the loss was certainly not worth celebration, the girls were by no means dispirited. On the contrary, through their passion, practice, and determination, the girls developed a great habit of practicing extra time outside of practices. On the second game day on the 1st of December, the girls definitely performed a lot better than they ever had. Ruled by their passion to volleyball, the girls played hard against the opposing teams in the tournament, resulting in close scores yet again. After much hard work, the team players gained friendship and built up their teamwork abilities. In the tournament, the girls’ volleyball team triumphantly beat the strong, solid opposing teams, with their terrific defence and offence strategies.
The girls had definitely improved greatly since the beginning of the season. At the beginning of the season, the girls were hardly able to serve accurately, or spike accurately. Now, they are able to demonstrate great understanding of volleyball. It’s fun and definitely satisfying to see the girls play so hard, and develop their skills so quickly. Their next goal, according to the coach, is to continue to work and be able to do better on serve receives, and to continue to have fun and play more games.
Primary School
国际部的小学生们在乒乓球比赛中所向披靡!在赛季锦标赛中,我们分别获得了亚军和季军。在国际学校青少年运动协会的比赛中,我们的队员获得了男生和女生的冠军! 祝贺所有参加比赛的球员们,之后我们会专门推出一期介绍小学部乒乓球比赛的新闻哦!
Overall, primary students are killing it in the table tennis tournaments. In the ISAC tournament, we got second and third place for both boys and girls. For the JISAC game, our students proudly received boys and girls champions! Congratulations to all the players who attended these tournaments, you all did an excellent job!
This season, we can see a lot of improvements from all the primary players. We see their skills constantly improving, which is well-reflected in their accomplishments in tournaments. Also, throughout the games, the players demonstrated great Spartan Spirit and were always supportive of each other. As Ms. Monica said, we are looking at one of the biggest achievements from the primary players!
There is still a tournament left for this season of primary sports. We look forward to see more outstanding improvements as the primary players continue their hard work and positive attitude.
Tsinghua International School (THIS) was established by Tsinghua University a decade ago. It is an international school that seeks to meet the educational needs of Chinese overseas returnees’ children. It recruits students residing in or intending to reside in Beijing from foreign nationalities, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. THIS is located in the century-old Tsinghua High School, next to the beautiful the Old Summer Palace.
THIS strives to provide a high quality education, combining Eastern and Western cultures, promoting Chinese and Western values. THIS enrolls students from grades 1 to 12. The primary school consists of grades 1-5, junior high school includes grades 6-8, and senior high school covers grades 9-12.
The mission of THIS is to cultivate students among international elites who are rooted in both Chinese and Western cultures, have independent thinking abilities, and an innovative spirit. THIS educates multicultural students, preparing them with 21stCentury Skills. THIS adheres to the core values of collaboration, cultural diversity, engagement, discovery, and Tsinghua Spirit as it develops creative, bilingual, and innovative lifelong learners.
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