Hithere, 来自远方的朋友们,这里是暖暖远人村。我们的村庄名出自陶渊明的《归田园居》中的“暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟”一句。将“暧”改为了“暖”,体现出我们作为公益组织的一份爱心。村子里的生活很简单,日出而作日落而息,做着喜欢的事听着喜欢的歌,渴了喝饿了吃,不以物喜不以己悲。这样的生活对大家已足够美好,没有什么更高的奢望了。
虽然地处深山,远人村的村民们也都关注着外面世界的冷暖。我们希望能将村子的力量传播到外界,让更多人知道村子里美好的生活,也希望更多的人能够加入到我们。我村的箴言是:Make the world a better place.
远人村中学生公益联盟(The Arcadia Public Welfare Aliance) 成立于2018年8月10日。是一个由多所国际学校的的在读学生共同发起的线上线下学生公益组织。致力于帮助儿童形成阅读习惯。在公益项目方面我们不追求体量大、资金多,只需要每个成员能够用心做好做精每项活动。希望能够通过我们的努力,帮助到一批孩子们养成良好的阅读习惯,并在社会上呼吁人们对教育中阅读这一方面的重视。我们相信没有人天生不喜欢阅读,只是没有养成良好的习惯。今天,我们帮助一名小朋友认识阅读,爱上阅读,在未来,就会多一个睿智而有趣的灵魂绽放。
About us
Who are we?
We are a juvenile charity organization sponsored by students from:
Maple Leaf International School - Dalian
Maple Leaf International School - Shanghai
Maple Leaf International School - Zhenjiang
Maple Leaf International Academy - Shenzhen
Maple Leaf International School - Wuhan
The HouDeAcademy - Shenzhen
Our Village Head, Miss Tiger-cat
Our original intention and values
We are fortunate to be in the modern cities and receiving high quality educations. We have nice school campuses, excellent books and awesome teachers. However, there are numerous places out of our sights that are lagged behind most regions. Children who live there have a quite low quality of life and education, we couldn’t imagine how hard their lives are until we really see them with our eyes.
Director of Fine Art Group & Diplomacy Group,
Miss San San
With the plentiful resources, we decided to establish this organization, to help the adorable kids and try our best to contribute to our society. Adhering to the principle of passing on LOVE and delivering KNOWLEDGE, we are willing to operate our alliance with the best we can do and participate in every activities with our hearts. We have no idea how much we will affect the world, but we are determined. Starting with one single book for the children far away, to finally arouse people’s consciousness to education and the culture.
CFO of our village,Mr. Blue
We plan to select books for the kids from pre-school education institutions and elementary schools to engage their fields of vision. we hope that these books are the first step for the kids to achieve a better life with the good qualities of honesty, liberalism and integrity, and strive for the goal of being a global citizen with the enthusiasm of helping others.
VillageSecretary General,Miss Cindy
Our contributing goals and visions
Build a charity organization with the majority of middle-school and high-school students in the nation. Provide constructional support for pre-school and elementary education institutions, broaden the influence and work hand in hand to do contribution for Chinese child educating career. Initiate a progressive and healthy pattern of education and devote ourselves to advertise and protect the traditional culture.
Enhance multi abilities during public activities, give a platform of public projects and activities for students in the alliance. Encourage our members to have the qualities to be excellent new age student.
Village Chief Editor, Mr. Lion
What are we doing?
We deliver articles in the WeChat platform, and readers can help us with the donations by giving a reward to the articles. In the future, many sections will be formed, including English articles. We will use the money to buy books then donate them to nursery-schools and elementary schools, and try our best to raise kid's interestto reading.
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