ISA全球评估战报ISA全称International Schools’ Assessment,是专为全球国际学校3 - 10年级学生设计的,用全英语语言进行的评估活动。 它的设计基于全球PISA考试的阅读,数学素养和科学素养的框架。全世界400所学校,90,000多名学生都参与过ISA考试。
The International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) program is designed specifically for students in international schools in Grades 3–10. It is based on the internationally endorsed reading, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy frameworks of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). It is an English only test. Around 90,000 students from 400 schools worldwide participate in the ISA each year.“
Our Grade 4 and Grade 5 students took their ISA test in September 2018, and last week we received our results from the Australian test centre. We were delighted with our results as a school and that we can compare our results directly with native English speakers to see where we stand.
在全英语数学素养测试中:融小学生的平均水平超过其他国际学校近80%的学生。五年级优秀学生分数高于全球前5%尖子生近20%。 这充分说明我校学生在数学理解、计算、应用上相较于全球同龄人来说,整体水平高,学生差异小。 在英语说明/议论文写作测试中: 我校学生比例平均分(非原始分)几乎与全球持平,比较样本中包括母语为全英语的孩子。
The average level of our students is higher than 80% students of other international schools in mathematical literacy. Our top students’ scores in Grade 5 are about 20% higher than other schools. The results clearly show that our students are able to display a very high level of employing and interpreting mathematical problems.
Our students achieved particularly good results in their exposition and argument writing attaining mean scores that were in line with native English speakers globally and out-performed similar international schools in the Asia-Pacific region.
学生个体优秀者名单 祝贺融小5年级学生张若雨在数学素养测试中取得了满分9级的好成绩,全球同龄孩子的数学素养成绩90%以上都在2-7级之间。祝贺融小5年级的韩佳桐同学在英语写作中取得了6级的好成绩,同龄的全球孩子平均水平90%在2-5级之间。
Fiona (5B) managed to record scores that were higher than 90% of children her same age and amazingly, Katie (5B) achieved perfect score; a rare and distinct accomplishment.
A special mention for the students that outperformed their grade level considerably (by up to four grades!). Well done to Camuls (4A), Gean (4C), Jenny (4C), Jerry (5A), Elsa (5B) .
It has been very rewarding to be able to relate our performance to international benchmarks and has allowed us to evaluate the reliability of our internal assessments and confirm that they are aligned with international expectations of performance. A huge well done to all of our students for their accomplishments and a big thank you to our ISA maths and English teachers for their continued support and endeavours.
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