戏剧学习属于六大学科的第六组艺术,是继视觉艺术之后又一门打开新视角的学科。学生们基本都是零起点开始,两年之后就有着变身导演和编剧的感觉,这其中蕴藏的挑战和成就感不言而喻。Theatre at diploma level is a ‘stand-alone’ course, which can be studied without prior learning in the subject, therefore flexibility and differentiation will be key concepts throughout the course. However, it is not a ‘lonely’ course, which transforms people’s lives and links with Music in MP and UOI in PYP. Most importantly, it gives students freedom to explore, express and experiment.
在这段自我探索之旅中,学生修炼的主题其实是时间规划和适应能力。每年十二月呈现的合作戏剧项目就集中诠释了学习的过程和结果。On thisself-exploration journey, the students try every possibility to cultivate their time-management skill and adaptation skill. The Collaborative Projects best demonstrate the learning process and outcomes.
什么是合作戏剧项目What is the Collaborative Project
它是戏剧学生的内部评估,即由老师和学校主导,在12年级第一学期完成,老师录制并给予分数,IB进行抽查。具体评估细则见下表。It is the Internal Assessment for the Theatre Studies students. It is usually accomplished at the 1stsemester in G12. Here are the assessment criteria.
每个作品都是学生100%原创,作品需要选定一个出发点,即具体或抽象的概念,比如变化,后现代主义等,并沿着它不断探索和发展。同时,通过任务分工和艺术选择,比如,服装,道具,光声,个性化,冲突交流,氛围和意义等加深主题表达,引起观众的共鸣和思考。Every collaborative theatre project is a 100% student driven. The collaborative creation of original theatre involves a group of theatre makers (creators, designers, directors and performers) who work together practically to examine and develop ideas in order to generate theatrical material that is then structured and organised into a piece of theatre.
There are three parts to this process
- Creating, generating and developing theatrical material.
- Organising and structuring the material into a piece of theatre.
- Preparing, rehearsing and presenting the piece for an audience.
挑战来自于哪里What challenges are students facing
IB的戏剧课是学生为中心的, 把学生的学习体验和探索放在最核心的位置。学生会学习创作话剧的技巧和方法,通过表演,报告,展示和写作表述他们的发现。学习的方式涉及表演,项目策划,工作坊,口头汇报,肢体展示,视觉和写作表达等。课程鼓励学生在实践中边做边研究。The Diploma Program theatre course is student-cantered and places student explorations at the heart of a holistic learning experience. Students focus on the techniques and methods of making theatre, and present these discoveriesin a variety of ways, through performance, presentations, demonstrationsand written expression. Students learn through action, staging, project planning, workshops, presentations, physical demonstrations, oral, visual and written expression. The course encourages students to research practically, through the body.”
直白地说,戏剧学习不是我们一般人以为的戏剧表演课,表演的部分其实只占一小部分。核心内容其实情境下的戏剧,戏剧产生过程以及戏剧表演。因此学习重点包括学科术语的运用,创意作品的产生,艺术家意图的理解以及批判性反思。To cut it short, unlike most people think that theatre studies is about performing art, the cores are theatre in context, theatre processes, performing theatre. Therefore, the course relies heavily on the following aspects:
- Research and inquiry
- Use of subject-specific terminology
- Creative work and processes
- An understanding of artistic ideas and intentions
- Critical reflection
本届学生作品回顾Review on collaborative theatre project from 2019 Cohort
第一组 出发点:镜子 Group 1 Starting point-Mirror
当你照镜子的时候,看到的是自己的影像,还是一个你想象中的影像?一个你虚构的帮助你建立自信和活下去的那个人?两个女生聚焦了长期被忽视和压抑,导致心理疾病的那一小群青少年。通过戏剧表演把无形变成有形,让压抑最终爆发变成无法挽回的悲剧。其中的几段舞蹈表演,具象了两人的内心戏,令人印象深刻。When you look into the mirror, do you see yourself or someone you created to make your life meaningful?
The first group focused on those who suffer from psychological disease owing to years of depression. The duo dance specified the thoughts and impressed the audience.
第二组 出发点:多媒体成瘾Group 2 Starting point- Social media addiction
当红的网络明星因为一时疏忽暴露了真实自我之后,大众如何反应?网红本人如何应对?这组学生将众人熟知的现实情境搬上舞台,立刻就增强了观众的代入感,也激发了热烈的讨论。When the internet celebrity exposes her real self, how will the public respond? What should the celebrity react? The students set up a familiar real-life-situation on the stage to engage the audience easily and to trigger the discussion quickly.
第三组 出发点:打印机Group 3 Starting point- Printer
上流社会(统治阶级)要巩固的优秀和习惯往往是以压抑个体天性为代价的,哪怕是你至亲至爱的孩子。这组学生在道具和服装上下足了功夫,营造出了一个冰冷的让人窒息的氛围。尤其是那段叛逆的孩子被送去流水线,从崩溃到被同化后机器人一般的表演,观众的神经随着清脆的敲铃声颤抖着。The upper/ruling class realizes their governing through killing the creativity and individuality, which even applies to their families. This group set up a cold and stifling atmosphere through all possible details like the props, costume, music etc. The scene of the assembling line in the factory touched everyone’s nerve
创作者心路历程Creator’s Words
两个人的collaborative project做起来却不如想象中那般轻松。虽然沟通方面即便有分歧,也能很快化解,但是在思考情节的过程中还是经历了诸多困境,不知道推翻了多少次,又重建了多少次。最后我们把自己的想法与心理学做了一次跨学科的尝试,将imagery friend这个概念引入表演,希望观众能够意识到逃避现实是行不通的,呼吁大家正视自我并选择去接受和改变。——Yommi Huang
观后感一瞥 Audience’s Words
——Teacher Samantha
这是我第二次欣赏DP独有的collaborativetheatre。对我来说,最有趣的就是看他们怎么把一个非常小的物体或者景象慢慢变成一个非常成熟完整的故事的过程。就如同这次12年级学长们从一个非常普通的镜子衍生到一些当今热议的社会现象。同时,每个组员们的完美合作以及细心编排的剧本,让我感受到他们对主题的认同,以及内心的呼吁。作为一名刚刚加入Theatre大家庭的成员,十分感谢学长们这次完美的示范,让我更加坚定对DP Theatre的选择。
——G11 计菲菲 Jessalyn
在表演过程中,学长学姐们出色的表演让台下所有观众都身临其境,情绪被台上的演员所带动。看到他们表演中对语言和动作的把控,可以想象他们付出了多少努力。 相比而言,我们十年级的theater学生,在平时的练习中演技和肢体语言的掌握可谓遥不可及呢。看来我们得好好加油,争取到了12年级能超越学长。
学长寄语 Graduate Words
——Doris Wang
Learning Film, Theater and Literature
In Sarah Lawrence College (US)
老师敲黑板’s Export Words
The Collaborative Project is one of my favourite DP Theatre assessment tasks. Accomplishments in this task and in theatre in general show that students can handle a variety of responsibilities, jobs and pressures. This, along with the confidence needed to perform in front of others, will help them gain self-confidence. Through this project and theatre, students will have the opportunity to develop a growth mindset and the certainty that skills can be developed with patience, perseverance and practice.To me, theatre is life and life is theatre. It’s all about the different lenses that one can look through as a creator, an actor, a director and a designer. It’s not so much a question of what theatre is, but the possibilities of what it could be. Theatre as - an imitation of life, as practice for life, a place where anything is possible, thought provocation, catharsis, storey telling, escapism, an outlet. When students are afforded the opportunity to develop the skill set that theatre requires and to experience theatre for all its possibilities, their lives will be enriched, and they will be better equipped for the future.
Theater Teacher & Subject Leader Kobus