从九月底到十二月中旬,从金黄的深秋到飘雪的寒冬,清华附中国际部的同学们一直在为“历史日”的学术成果展示做准备。今年“历史日”的主题是“历史上的胜利与悲剧”。“这个主题让学生们从不同的角度思考历史,激发他们深入思考。”Caroline老师(社会科学教研组组长)说,“在历史中,有时一方的胜利会带来另一方的悲剧;有时短暂的胜利会带来长远的悲剧,学生们将学会从不同角度探寻同一历史事件带来的影响。”Every year, the History Day event kicks off in mid-autumn. This year’s theme for History Day is“Triumph and Tragedy in History”. “This theme allows students to delve into historical problems and explore them from multiple perspectives.” Ms. Caroline said, “One thing that our students have learned is that sometimes a triumph for one side will be a tragedy for the other. Sometimes a triumph or tragedy now will become something different in the future. Students will learn to analyze one historical event from different perspectives.”
Students start with selecting a topic according to the given theme. They then spend several months finding and analyzing available source materials and synthesizing a new understanding on the topic. Finally, on History Day, they unveil their projects— portfolios, exhibits, documentaries, and websites— to the school community. Get involved, interested, and inspired!
On history day, students were able to view each other’s research projects in a gallery walk and write comments to the authors. From projects on the Trojan Horse, Opium Wars, Spanish Wars, American Civil War, Civil Rights Movement, the Pearl Harbor Attack to the USA and China trade war and more; the depth and breadth of research on display was a testimony to not only the students’ rich learning experience, but also their growth as individuals.
Finally, the students gathered in the auditorium to celebrate their accomplishments and share what they learned together.
This year, students from AP Macroeconomics highlighted the issue of economic inequality in today’s world showing the triumph of economic growth while focusing on the tragedy of economic inequality. Through videos, simulation and a closing speech the presentation focused on showcasing how inequality effects individuals’ opportunities in life. The audiences had been attracted by their presentation and gave them warm applause from time to time.
The most important thing of learning history is to understanding the history.The core values of THIS are "exploration" and "diversified cultural atmosphere". The school has always paid attention to cultivating students' independent thinking spirit and cross-cultural understanding ability. In the reflections of students we can see they are able to recognise theirs mistakes and make progress. They have learned to think independently and take risks to make their projects better.
——Caroline Scott(社会科学教研组组长)
文字 Written|Linda Gao
照片Pictures|Linda Gao
编辑Edited| Linda Gao
审核Audited| Jeff Joyce, Toni Dong, Lan Yi,Wenping Li
Tsinghua International School (THIS) was established by Tsinghua University a decade ago. It is an international school that seeks to meet the educational needs of Chinese overseas returnees’ children. It recruits students residing in or intending to reside in Beijing from foreign nationalities, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. THIS is located in the century-old Tsinghua High School, next to the beautiful the Old Summer Palace.
THIS strives to provide a high quality education, combining Eastern and Western cultures, promoting Chinese and Western values. THIS enrolls students from grades 1 to 12. The primary school consists of grades 1-5, junior high school includes grades 6-8, and senior high school covers grades 9-12.
The mission of THIS is to cultivate students among international elites who are rooted in both Chinese and Western cultures, have independent thinking abilities, and an innovative spirit. THIS educates multicultural students, preparing them with 21stCentury Skills. THIS adheres to the core values of collaboration, cultural diversity, engagement, discovery, and Tsinghua Spirit as it develops creative, bilingual, and innovative lifelong learners.
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