On Dec 15th and 16th, the National STEM League 2019 season regionals was hosted in Shanghai. Teams from all around China gathered here during the weekend. SHSID had two teams attending the 2019 season of NSL and both teams are composed of freshmen and sophomores.
On December 15th, the members of GT Racing and all other teams got to the tracks early in the morning at 9:30 AM. Once the teams settled down, they all first put up their decorations for the stand. Then the competition officially began. The drivers were racing furiously in order to get used to the tracks. As drivers stood beside the tracks, concentrating and masterfully controlling the remote cars; engineers stood in the pit box practicing the pit stop challenge. The entire stadium was heated up bythe passion from the participants.
At the same time, drones, unnoticed by the hardworking participants, recorded the perfect moment — when everybody were contributing with passion and the desire to finish first. Both SHSID teams were able to excel at the regional round of National STEM League. M-Dynamic team claims the third place in Pit Stop Challenge and Endurance Race as a first timer, while the GT Racing team achieved five No.1, three No. 2 awards, as well as the grand champion trophy home with the highest total score out of all the teams.
2018年12月15-16日,美国STEM大联盟2019赛季中国赛在上海举行。全国各个城市的队伍聚集于此,本次,上中国际共有两支队参加,分别是第一次参加该赛事的M-Dynamic Racing和较有经验的10年级的GT Racing。
15日清晨,GT Racing组员们早早地到达了比赛现场。队员们摩拳擦掌,做着赛前准备工作:赛车手们熟悉比赛赛道;工程师则在维修区进行停站挑战赛的训练和展台布置工作;公关部门的同学在场地四周与其他选手和组委会进行交流。整整两日,来自中国各地的队伍在此一决高下。在这激烈的竞争中,上海中学国际部以精湛的技术和默契的团队合作于各大战队中脱颖而出。M-Dynamic初次参赛,获得了不错的成绩。GT Racing满载而归,斩获中国地区赛总冠军。祝贺他们!
English Written by 10(6) Andrew Cheng
中文:10(1)Harry Zhang
Pictures by SHSID Racing Team
Supervised by Sophia Yang 指导老师:杨敏