班主任,一群特别的教师存在。他们是仲裁班级矛盾的法官,是安抚冲动情绪的心理辅导师,是处理紧急情况的消防员,是美化教室环境的设计师。这多重身份的背后正是处于对教育事业、对班级学生那一颗热切的心。所谓十年树木,百年树人,德育工作意义重大,影响深远。为打造一支强有力的班主任队伍,融合部全体班主任在工会号召下开展了一次饶有趣味的团建活动。Homeroom teachers are special existence among all teachers. They could be judges who arbitrate conflicts in class; they could be mentor who comfort impulsiveness; they could be firemen who solve the emergencies; they could also be designer who beautify the classroom environment. Behind all these roles, they are eager to educate and care for the students. As an old Chinese saying goes, “It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people”, moral education is significant and influential as a homeroom teacher. In order to build a strong team, all the homeroom teachers took part in an engaging team building activity.
所有班主任按学部为单位分成小组进行PK。各团队小组成员集思广益,迅速确定各自排兵布阵!All the homeroom teachers were divided into groups to battle. All the team members worked together to brainstorm ideas and decided their order!
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There’s no perfect individual, but only perfect team. Despite the limited time for the team building this time, the team working spirit has been kept in every participants’ mind. For the rest of the work within the schoolyear, the homeroom teacher team in the Integrated Division will carry forward the spirit of SESS – showing appreciation, being self-disciplined, cherishing everything we have and taking responsibility, keep working hard and move forward!
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