On December 6th, Shanghai Shangde Experimental School Middle Years Program Department held a Science and Technology Expo with the theme “A World Powered by Imagination”. This event was divided into three parts, the Science Quiz Bowl, the Science & Technology Contest and Games, and the Science Fair Project Exhibition.
科技展Science Fair
来自融中6至9年级26个探究小组的同学们,结合生活实际,自主寻找探究主题,带着求知的热情,严谨的态度,坚持不懈的精神,出色完成了本次的展示任务。在展前的两周,他们精心设计海报,反复练习讲稿,最终与参观者共同分享自己的研究成果。 在展示现场,他们耐心为参观者解答问题,甚至能够联系实际,将所了解到的知识融会贯通,讲述给每一个提问的观众。In the Science Fair Project Exhibition, 26 project groups gather together to showcase their scientific investigations and share knowledge and ideas with all the visitors. They were ecstatic to answer questions and even teach others something they’ve learned in their investigation. The students prepared for two weeks doing research and investigations and present their output for public display.
Grade 6
生物的可持续发展Sustainable Development of Living Thing
——海洋精灵 Sea Elf
——6C 徐芊晴Coco
Grade 7
能源的可持续发展Sustainable Development of Energy
低碳生活最新打开方式——环保售卖机 Vending Machine
——7A 季晓烨Linda
Grade 8
神奇的建筑构造Amazing Architecture
——悬索桥Suspension Bridge
——8B 水昕怡Cindy
神奇的特斯拉线圈——Tesla Coil
——8A 郑添乐Tina
Grade 9
智能科技与现代生活Technology and Modern Life
帕斯卡定律——液压传动装置Hydraulic Robotic Arm
Although both David and I were extremely exhausted after the Science fair, but we still gained a lot of useful experiences and knowledge from that day. First of all, I learnt some basic concepts and physics knowledge from designing the hydraulic robotic arm. We overcame difficulties and did the best job. Second, I practiced my communication skill from the speech. In conclusion, Science fair is a day for students to share their knowledge together,to show their talents on scienceanda ceremony for those who are interested in science!
原子模型之美——Handmade atomic models
It was the first time for me to participate in Science Fair in SSES. Everyone's project was extremely attractive. Despite I was almost worn out after it, I learned a lot because we share our atomic models with teachers and students. The feel of harvest was irreplaceable as I received praise from other teachers. The laughter on everyone's face is the best thing to represent the success of this year's Science Fair.
Science Club
食物中的秘密Secrets in food
——Detection of urea and protein in the milk
Is there enough protein in our milk? And does the milk has urea? In this science fair, we explored the protein and urea content of milk, because of some unscrupulous merchant use urea as a protein,so we want to know which trademark of milk is the best. After this exhibition,our mouth and body have already been dry and tired, but our body still be excited. More students learn fromour test, itgivesmeasense of accomplishment.
——8A 吕梓灵Vicky
自制唇膏——Natural lipstick
Our project is to make natural lipstick. The main difficulty is the extraction of pigment. We spent a lot of time to test different methods. During the exhibition, we feel excited and satisfied about ourselves. Actually, this science fair is not only a test of our knowledge, but also information query, experiment and art design. All in all, we learned a lot and really enjoy a lot at the science fair.
——9D 国家玮Kevin
有趣的科学现象——Interesting Scientific Facts
小型喷泉Small Fountain
液压传动装置Hydraulic Robotic Arm
特斯拉线圈Tesla Coil
Contest and Games
本次科普知识大奖赛中设有年级知识竞答赛和混年级小组学术活动。年级知识学术活动中,各年级摩拳擦掌,分庭对垒,挑战脑力的极限,最终6年级和8年级后来者居上,拔得头筹。There are two parts in the Science Contest, include Grade Knowledge Contest and Group Competition. In the Grade Knowledge Contest, students from each grade wereenthusiastic, eager to startand challenged the limit of their brains. Finally, the sixth and eighth graders took the first place.
在小组赛中共设置五项比赛,投石机、纸飞机、垒高塔、找平衡,和线索题抢答,除了智力的比拼,更考验团队的合作和默契程度。There werefive games in the Group Competition,such as stone throwing machine, paper plane, tower building, balance finding and answering cluequestions, whichnot only tests the competition of intelligencebut also the cooperation and tacit agreementin the whole team.
投石机stone throwing machine
纸飞机paper plane
垒高塔tower building
找平衡balance finding
神秘果小测试The miraclefruit
颁奖时间 Awarding Time
This time Iwasinvited to be the team leader of field service group during the knowledge contest, actually is really a hard work because we need to focus on site all the time, hurry up to change the stage properties, Fortunately, we were successful because we had no mistakes and dealt with some temporary factors to ensure a successful competition. Science Fair is always interesting, it’s my pleasure to be one of the staff member. I think everyone must enjoy themselve during the whole activity. Thanks everyone.
——9A 张一Bryant
班级对抗赛 Science Quiz Bowl
The Science Expo had profound impacts on both the participants as well as the organizers. Participants had a opportunity to comprehend those seemingly abstract and obscure concepts through literally seeing them come into daily life. They were provided with a chance to genuinely experience the feeling that "Life and science should not and cannot be separated." For the organizers, they gained a valuable experience of organizing a whole exhibition and prepare for both teaching and making posters. Through the Science Expo, I believed that numerous students will be intrigued by the charm of science and their potential of learning science will be fully triggered.
——9A 杜昀David
Through this Sci and Tech Expo , I felt this is not only a Expo , it also let us toknow the things that we did not know before , our group’s topic is Poisonous Mushroom, through the things that we have search on the internet , we know the most Poisonous Mushroom in the world and so on . So I think we should have more activity like this !
——6C 时广曈Thomas
感言Insights of Science Fair
In this technology exhibition, I chose the theme of garbage classification. There were suggestions from teachers and principals, as well as improvements in participants' reactions and performance. This encourage us to do better next time.
——9D 严福焘Lykan
I learned a lot of things by the preparation of Science Fair. At first, I didn’t know how to introduc our project to visitors. But after some exercise, I knew how to explain the Micro Ecosystem completely to others. Late in the afternoon, there were still some visitors around our project and wanted to learn more abou our progect. I suddenly thought it worthwhile to stand in the same place for four hours.
——9A 金添Jenny
The Science and Technology Expo strengthen their IB Learner profile being thinkers, communicators, balanced, open-minded, caring, principled, risk-takers, reflective, knowledgeable, and of course inquirers. This event strengthens students’ academic performance as well as collaborative skills. The students worked very hard to come up solutions to current global problems and how they can prevent pollution as well as educate students and the public about safety in the world around us. Of course, they also got to enjoy a short break from the stress of studying by joining fun activities too!