OnNovember23rd,everystudentinFDISwas sharing the same mood as the weather of that day.Thesky was clearand the sunwas shining allday atTongji Track and Field, where all ES students ran in sweats and shouted with joy to celebrate our annual event known as Sports Fun Afternoon.
After finishing the warm-up activities with our PE teacher, Ms. Yuan, every motor cell in our bodies was awakened, and our entire bodies were full of energy.跟着体育组袁老师做完热身活动,我们全身的运动细胞都苏醒过来,感觉全身都充满了能量。
After accepting the trophies from our PE teachers, some of us couldn't stop smiling, while others were mesmerized by the glory of the victory.我们从体育老师那里获得奖杯后,一些人不禁嘴角上扬,而还有些人则被胜利的荣耀给迷住了。
FDIS Tours
FDIS has regular admission inquiry days for prospective students and parents on every Friday. The session details as below:
Elementary School session (G1-5)
Time: 9:30-11:30
The Secondary School session (G6-12)
Time: 1:00-3:00.
During the session, you will have a chance to talk with our admissions officer, to have a tour and see how our students learn in classroom.
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: 沪ICP备2023009024号-1