FDIS received the Outstanding Group Award at the Shanghai Roots & Shoots Annual Festival on November 17.
右一为复旦附中国际部小学部宋昕桐老师 |Ms. Alicia Song (first from right) from FDIS ES holding the Award Certificate
我们一向重视对学生环保理念的培养,鼓励学生参与各种环保活动。小学部Ms. Natalya老师充分利用现有条件,在校园一角开辟了一个有机花园,多年来一直精心照看这方小天地,并且引导学生去了解自然、探索自然和保护自然。去年,Ms. Natalya获得“根与芽”项目的“杰出导师奖”;今年,复旦附中国际部又获得“绿色先锋团队奖”。这是对我们一直所践行的环保主义理念的肯定。
We have been paying great attention to students' environmental awareness and encouraging students to participate in various environmental activities. Ms. Natalya, the English teacher in the elementary school, has for years taken good care of the small but delicate organic garden she started on campus grounds and guided students to learn about, explore and protect nature. We are grateful to see our efforts recognized with the Outstanding Teacher Advisor Awardthat Ms. Natalya receivedlast year and the Outstanding Group Award FDIS received this year.
我们的有机花园Our Organic Garden
此外,在全校师生以及家长的共同努力下,复旦附中国际部成功地在内蒙古种下了一片小森林,详细报告如下:|Besides, with the help of all the teachers, students and parents, FDIS have successfully planted a little forest in Inner-Mongolia, the detailed reports are as below:
有机花园与沙漠绿林遥相呼应,见证着环保理念在FDIS家校社区的萌芽与芳蔼。| Organic garden and FDIS forest echo each other at a distance, witnessing the germination and fragrance of the environmental protection concept in the FDIS community.
背景知识 Background knowledge
In 1991, world-renowned primatologist Jane Goodall started Roots & Shoots, a program designed to educate youths about environmental issues and humanitarian values with a special focus on group interaction. Roots & Shoots unites those who hold certain values in common: love for animals, care for the community, and devotion to protecting the environment. The program originated in Tanzania with only 16 students; now Roots& Shoots has expanded to 130 countries with a global network of 9,000 groups. In China, there are Roots & Shoots offices in Shanghai, Beijing, and Chengdu.
Our Mission: To foster respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs, and to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for animals, the environment, and the human community. We believe that change is already taking place!
The Shanghai branch of Roots & Shoots was founded as a volunteer organization in November 1999. Five years later, in November 2004, Roots & Shoots was granted a Non-Profit Organization status by the Shanghai Municipality Government.
FDIS has regular admission inquiry days for prospective students and parents every Friday. The session details are below:
Elementary School session (G1-5)
Time: 9:30-11:30
Secondary School session (G6-11)
Time: 1:00-3:00.
During the session, you will have a chance to talk with our admissions officer, have a tour and see how our students learn in the classroom.
Reservation is required; contact us by phone or email:
Phone number: (8621) 65111292.
Email address: admissions@fdis.net.cn
We look forward to meeting with you at the FDIS campus.
点击“阅读原文”了解更多与“根与芽”相关的活动 |Click“Read more” to know more events related to "Roots & Shoots"