How Useful Are College Rankings?
What Do They Actually Mean?
七宝德怀特的资深升学指导主任Mr. Rafael Katz将为你揭开大学排名的神秘面纱......
关世宁 Rafael Katz
When I am talking to students and parents about college lists, I find myself frequently referring to top twenty schools or top fifty schools. The main reason I use rankings is that they are convenient.If I say to a student you have good enough grades to get into a top twenty school, top twenty basically means one of the most selective schools. Since rankings have become such a pervasive part of the college admissions conversation, I think it is worthwhile to look more closely at what the rankings are and what they really mean.
每年的大学排名都有起有落,比如斯坦福大学曾常年被U.S. News排在首位,今年竟然跌到了第七,这说明了什么?难道今年斯坦福比往年更容易考进了吗?UCLA今年挤进了Top20,位列第19,第一次超越加州大学伯克利分校,难道这意味着UCLA比伯克利好吗?具体好在哪里呢?
People follow the yearly rankings and look for changes. It is natural to attach significance if a college goes up or down year by year.Does it really say something meaningful about Stanford that they were ranked no. 1 by U.S. news for several years and now have fallen to seven?Does that mean Stanford has gotten worse or might be easier to get into?What does it mean that UCLA is now ranked 19 and in the top 20? For the first time, it is ranked higher than UC Berkeley. Does that mean it is better than UC Berkeley?Better how?
现在市面上的大学排名体系数不胜数:美国新闻和世界报导(U.S. News),福布斯,QS世界大学排名,泰晤士报大学排名,等等。其中,U.S. News资历最老,也被认为是最权威的排名。当留学中介让你签升学服务的合同时,你选择的大学在U.S.News的排名决定了你支付的费用。然而,如果对比不同的排名列表,你会发现关于顶尖大学的排位永远无法达成一致。比如说,今年U.S.News将哥伦比亚大学排第三,福布斯却把杨百翰大学排第三,利基把哈佛大学排第三,我们究竟该信哪一个排名?今年普林斯顿大学在U.S.News的美国大学排行榜上荣居榜首,但在世界大学排行榜上却排第九,哈佛反而排第一。这又是什么道理?难道普林斯顿在全美是最棒的大学,但在全世界就比哈佛大学差了?这个逻辑我实在不懂。
There are numerous college ranking systems; U.S. News and World Report, Forbes, Niche, Times Higher Ed., The Shanghai Index, etc. U.S. News is the oldest and usually considered the authority in rankings.When an agent is having a parent sign a contract for college admissions services, the U.S. News rankings can often determine the cost of the service. If you compare different ranking lists, it is clear to see that there is no agreement about what the top colleges are.For example, this year US News ranks Columbia #3, Forbes ranks Brigham Young #3, and Niche ranks Harvard #3. Which one should we trust? Many ranking systems have different lists for world universities and U.S. universities.This year U. S. News ranks Princeton #1 on the national list but then #9 on the World list, with Harvard as number one.Does that mean that Princeton is best when compared to U.S. colleges but not as good when compared to colleges around the world?I’m not sure that I understand that concept.
Most people refer to college rankings without knowing what they really mean.If you analyze the U.S. News, the most widely quoted ranking system, you might discover that some reasons a university has a high ranking are not things that are important to you. The largest factor for U.S. News rankings is what they call `Outcomes’, this factor went up in importance from 30% last year to 35% this year and probably accounts for why UCLA is now ranked higher than UC Berkeley.Outcomes includes factors like how many students graduate and how many students are from underrepresented populations like first generation college students, or minorities.As a student or parent, you might ask yourself how important in ethnic diversity and having classmates with low incomes to you?
The factor of `Expert Opinion’, ( what students and counselors think about the college), was reduced from 22.5% to 20%.`Student Excellence’ was reduced from 12.5% to10% this year. I’m guessing that many students and parents would value `Student Excellence’, which means the quality and accomplishments of students, very highly.
For me, a factor that is more useful than rankings is acceptance rate. What percentage of students does a college admit each year? What is the colleges percentage of ED and RD acceptances?What is the percentage of Chinese students admitted? How many QD students have they accepted in the past. These factors are useful to know when making college lists.Stanford is ranked 7 this year but it still has one of the lowest acceptance rates at less than 5%. When one of our students was accepted by Stanford two years ago, Stanford’s U.S. News ranking dropped after being at number one several years in a row. This was quite meaningless to our student, Bailey, who beat the odds by being accepted and more importantly loves the education she is getting at Stanford.
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