不弛于空想,不骛于虚声,嘉祥国高为建立一个成熟完善的IB项目一直不懈地努力着!Seriously, JXIHSD has keep working to establish a mature and complete IB project!上周,嘉祥国高学术校长Mr. Roberto Santos和英语教师Mr. Emmett Callahan前往印度孟买参加了在Oberoi国际学校举办的“IB专业发展研讨会”。在为期三天的研讨会期间,两位老师与来自世界各地的IB课程项目的老师们进行了12次深入课程的研讨会议。
Last week, the Academic Principal of IHSD, Roberto Santos, and English teacher Emmett Callahan, traveled to Mumbai, Indiato participate in an International Baccalaureate professional development workshop at the Oberoi International School. Over the course of the three day seminar, participants engaged in twelve sessions of in-depth learning.
Each session had a different objective targeted at implementing the IB curriculum into the English B and Spanish classrooms at JXIHSD. Some of the session objectives included examining different course design methods and reflecting on developing a better understanding of how Theory of Knowledge and Creativity Activity and Service are integrated; how to develop a clear understanding of the requirements of the internal assessment, and how to administrate the process.
In addition to the IB content, the two participants from JXIHSD were able to network with other IB teachers from across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and theUnited Statesto share teaching resources and contact information. An open line of communication has been established for the future sharing of all things IB.
为了砺精治学、深化内部学习,12月5日(本周三),嘉祥国高举办了关于整合IB学习者档案的教研会议。本次会议由嘉祥国高美籍社会学教师Mr. Patrick,中方理科学科带头人Mr. Ryan, 双语生物教师Mrs. Aimee为大家分享了如何将IB学习者的属性及档案整合到日常课程和书面教学中,以及其策略方法和示例。
For internal discussion and learning, on December 5th (Wednesday), JXIHSD held a teaching and research conference on IB Learner Profile Integration. This conference was organized by Mr. Patrick, Mr. Ryan, and Mrs. Aimee, they provided strategies and examples of ways in which teachers should integrate the IB learner profile attributes into their daily lessons and written curriculum.
作为IB候选学校,嘉祥国高的 IB项目授权申请已在审批中。与此同时,嘉祥国高的IB项目的中外方教师们也一直与世界各地的IB项目成员进行沟通和探讨,深化课程学习以及内部教研探讨。
As an candidate school, the IBDP teaching team has already submitted an authorization application for the IB project. At the same time, the JXIHSD Chinese and foreign teachers have also communicated and discussed with IB project members from all over the world to deepen the course study and internal teaching and research.
JXIHSD is committed to create a paradise for life-long learners!
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