Elementary introduction with applications. Basic probability models. Combinatorics. Random variables. Discrete and continuous probability distributions. Statistical estimation and testing. Confidence intervals. Introduction to linear regression.
所以有意加入工程大家庭的小伙伴们,要留心高数的学习哦~ 这样大一或许可以有更多时间享受生活呢(撒网捕鱼)!
Electrical & Electronic Engeering
电子电器工程通常集合了硬件及软件的学习,一名好的电子电器工程师不仅会编程还会搭电路制作小玩意。CS的同学想来帮忙编程?对不起,这个我会。Design Engineering的同学要帮忙设计?对不起,这个我早算好应该元件数值了。(说白了:我自己就是一个军队)。学好了EEE可是会成为很厉害的大神哦,也许心仪的男神女神一被吸引,就接着走上人生巅峰了呢!
1. Computer Science and Programming
Introduces architecture of digital systems, emphasizing structural principles common to a wide range of technologies. Multilevel implementation strategies; definition of new primitives (e.g., gates, instructions, procedures, and processes) and their mechanization using lower-level elements. Analysis of potential concurrency; precedence constraints and performance measures; pipelined and multidimensional systems. Instruction set design issues; architectural support for contemporary software structures.
Introduction to mathematical modeling of computational problems, as well as common algorithms, algorithmic paradigms, and data structures used to solve these problems. Emphasizes the relationship between algorithms and programming, and introduces basic performance measures and analysis techniques for these problems.
6. Introduction to Inference
Covers signals, systems and inference in communication, control and signal processing. Topics include input-output and state-space models of linear systems driven by deterministic and random signals; time- and transform-domain representations in discrete and continuous time; and group delay. State feedback and observers. Probabilistic models; stochastic processes, correlation functions, power spectra, spectral factorization. Least-mean square error estimation; Wiener filtering. Hypothesis testing; detection; matched filters.
电子电器工程大三时通常可以选课,小伙伴们可以根据大一大二的学习找到自己的兴趣从而深入学习。通常EEE的学生会流入以下几个分支:Power generation and supply(即能源相关学习),Communications and media(通讯系统,如光通讯),Computer systems(AI之类的高大上知识学习),Robotic systems(机器人,自动化之类的学习)。
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1