其实对于每一个学习经管、国关、法律甚至是政治学的同学来说,伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)都或多或少地成为我们的dream school ,po主也不例外。所以今年暑假,为了去探究LSE的教学模式是不是真的能让我适应,为了认识更多的来自世界各地的学霸大佬,同时也为了深度探究伦敦,我就报名了LSE的summer school,在罗素广场附近度过了充满爱与自由、收获与回忆的21天。
LSE的summer school是一个不需要通过我们学校的官网去申请的项目,换言之,它是一个完全独立的项目,是一个对全世界每一个有志于体验LSE生活并且学习能力达标的同学都开放的项目。
课程涵盖的范围很多,总共包括八个大类。每个类别基本就对应着LSE的一个院系。每个大类旗下又设立了许多个不同的课程,大约共有100门课。在暑校中,我们需要做的就是用21天的时间去消化LSE的学生一年所需要学习的一门课程。我们每天需要学习的固定时间包括3个小时的Lecture,以及2个小时的class(seminar)。另外由于有期中考试(论文)和期末考试(论文)的存在,大家的课后和周末时间也都需要抽出一部分时间来学习。因此,LSE的summer school是个强度非常大的暑校,但是如果认真去学,确实能收获很多知识。
课程的授课老师均为正课时的授课老师,一般一门课会有2个老师,分别教授期中考试前的课程和qian zh均是来自各个领域的大牛,甚至还有诺贝尔奖得主。
课程分为100 Level,200 Level,以及300 Level。
100 Level:英国大一(国内大一)的难度
200 Level:英国大二(国内大二/大三)的难度
AC110: Principles of Accounting
AC210: Corporate Financial Reporting and Communication
AC215: Business Analysis and Valuation
Business and Management:
MG101: Marketing
MG103: Consumer Behaviour: Behavioural Fundamentals for Marketing and Management
MG105: Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MG106: Strategic Management
MG110: The Science and Art of Decision Making
MG130: Organisational Behaviour
MG133: Foundations of Management
MG190: Human Resource Management and Employment Relations
MG202: Open Innovation
MG203: Strategic Management of Markets and Growth: Industrial Policy in Europe
MG204: Leadership in Organisations
MG205: Competitive Strategy and Game Theory
MG206: Business Strategy in International and Emerging Markets
MG209: Bargaining and Negotiation: Interests, Information, Strategy and Power
MG220: Corporate and Organisational Strategy
MG250: Management and Economics of E-Business
MG300: Negotiation Boot Camp: Personal Mastery in the Art of Negotiating
EC101: Introductory Microeconomics
EC102: Introductory Macroeconomics
EC200: Introduction to Behavioural Economics
EC201: Intermediate Microeconomics
EC202: Intermediate Macroeconomics
EC204: Financial Markets and the Global Economy: the History of Bubbles, Crashes and Inflations
EC212: Introduction to Econometrics
EC235: Economics of European Integration
EC240: Environmental Economics & Sustainable Development
EC260: The Political Economy of Public Policy
EC270: Public Finance
EC307: Development Economics
EC312: Advanced Econometrics
EC321: Money and Banking
EC341: Industrial Organisation & Introduction to Competition Policy
EC351: International Economics
English Language:
LN104: English for Business
FM202: Analysis and Management of Financial Risk
FM225: Fixed Income Securities, Debt Markets and the Macro Economy
FM230: Alternative Investments
FM250: Finance
FM255: Financial Markets
FM350: Advanced Corporate Finance
FM360: Options, Futures and Other Financial Derivatives
International Relations, Government and Society:
IR100: Great Thinkers and Pivotal Leaders: Shaping the Global Order
IR101: Childhood across Cultures
IR102: Capitalism, Democracy and Equality: The Political Economy of the Advanced Nations
IR105: Understanding Foreign Policy: the Diplomacy of War, Profit and Justice
IR106: From Sarajevo to Baghdad: Key Decisions on War and Peace, 1914-2003
IR115: Culture and Globalisation
IR120: Trade, Development and the Environment
IR140: Global Communications, Citizens and Cultural Politics
IR130: Athens to Al-Qaeda: Political Theory and International Politics
IR160: The Middle East in Global Politics
IR200: International Organisation: The Institutions of Global Governance
IR201: Power Shift: The Decline of the West, The Rise of the BRICS and World Order in a New Asian Century
IR202: Genocide: History, Theory, Prevention
IR203: An Urbanising World: The Future of Global Cities
IR204: International Migration, Social Integration and Public Policy
IR205: Islam and Politics
IR206: Revolutions and World Politics
IR207: Development in the International Political Economy
IR209: International Political Economy
IR210: International Politics: Building Democracies from Conflict
IR211: America as a Global Power: FDR to Trump
IR245: International Journalism and Society - The Role of the Media in the Modern World
IR250: The Global Politics of Protest and Change
IR270: What Kind of Europe? Crisis, Reform and the International Role of the European Union
LL102: Introduction to International Human Rights: Theory, Law and Practice
LL105: International Law: Contemporary Issues
LL110: Tax, Justice and Society
LL135: Introduction to Corporate Law and Governance
LL200: Competition Law and Policy: Controlling Private Power
LL202: Commercial Law
LL203: International Commercial Litigation and Arbitration
LL204: Cyberlaw
LL205: European Union Law and Politics
LL206: International Financial Law
LL208: Freedom of Speech, Media and the Law
LL209: Comparative Human Rights
LL207: International Financial Regulation
LL210: Tax Avoidance and the Law
LL211: The International Law of War Crimes
LL212: European Consumer Law
LL301: Corporate Finance Law
Research Methods, Data Science, and Mathematics:
ME116: Essential Statistics for Economics and Econometrics
ME117: Further Statistics for Economics and Econometrics
ME200: Computational Methods in Financial Mathematics
ME201: Optimization with Applications in Portfolio Choice
ME301: Survey Research Methods: From Design to Analysis
ME302: Introduction to Financial Mathematics
ME305: Qualitative Research Methods
ME306: Real Analysis
ME314: Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning
ME317: Statistical Methods in Risk Management
上面列出的是明年暑校开放的所有课程,但是这些课程并不会在同一个时间开放。LSE的暑校共有三个时间,Session one的时间是6月17日到7月5日,Session two的时间是7月8日到7月26日,Session three的时间是7月29日-8月16日。具体哪些课程会在什么时候开放还需要大家自己登陆官网查看。
如果大家想要获取更多相关信息可以登陆官网的暑校专栏: http://www.lse.ac.uk/study-at-lse/Summer-Schools/Summer-School
100 Level:需要提供被大学录取的通知书,同时一些数理的课程需要提供有关数学课程的背景。
200 Level:需要提供相关初级课程的背景。
不需要Personal Statement,也不需要Reference Letter, 只需要按照官网流程填写表格,表格中填写的信息包括个人基本信息、想要申请的课程、教育背景、证明材料等。整个申请流程预计10-15分钟即可。
由于我们本身是英国大学的在读学生,所以不需要额外申请签证,可以直接用T4签证入境。去年关于这个问题我特意咨询了夏校相关人员,收到的答复是summer school可以作为一种补充学习,所以是不用重新申请签证的。当然大家也可以在本学年的课程结束后在英国一直呆到暑校开始,就不要再担心签证的问题了~
我是去年申请一开放就申请的(大约是11月底),当时选择的课程是EC101: Introductory Microeconomics,但是后来想到这门课程和我大一一年所学的Microeconomics内容应该是一样的,所以在暑假再上一遍这门课实在是有些浪费,所以在3月份的时候提交了换课申请。如果想要换课的话需要向暑校的office发送一封邮件,大约两个工作日后工作人员会发来一个新的申请链接,在里面可以进行重新申请。我的换课是成功的,换课后我所读的课程是ME200: Computational Methods in Financial Mathematics。不过值得注意的是,填写了换课申请后等于直接放弃了自己刚开始的课,如果后面换的课也没有通过申请的话,也无法自动回到前面的课,所以还请大家评估自己的实际情况,可能会承担一定的风险。
LSE的课程申请截止日期各不相同,一般是根据课程的容量来决定的。一些热门课程会截止的非常迅速,比如MG101: Marketing ,去年大约在3月份就截止。但是有的课程直到5月份都依旧是开放的。所以究竟什么时候申请还是要大家自己定夺。
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1