STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) Mathematics is a well-established mathematics examination designed to test candidates on questions that are similar in style to undergraduate mathematics. STEP is used by the University of Cambridge and the University of Warwick. Other universities sometimes ask candidates to take STEP as part of their offer – in such cases, the university can advise on which papers to take.
The following changes will be implemented for the 2019 examinations:
• the specifications will be updated to reflect the reforms in A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics;
• the number of questions in each paper will decrease.
STEP 1 is based on A Level Mathematics. The paper has 11 questions across two ps: the first contains 8 pure questions, and the second contains 3 questions, at least one of which will be on mechanics, at least one of which will be on probability/statistics, and a third either on mechanics or probability/statistics.
STEP 1 考试内容主要基于A Level数学,有11道试题,分为两个部分。第一部分为8道纯数题,第二部分为3道题(至少包含一道力学和一道统计)。
STEP 2 is based on A Level Mathematics and AS Level Further Mathematics. The paper has 12 questions across three ps: the first contains 8 pure questions, the second contains 2 mechanics questions, and the third contains 2 probability/statistics questions.
STEP 2考试内容主要基于A Level数学和AS进阶数学。有12道试题,分为三个部分。第一部分为8道纯数题,第二部分为2道力学题,第三部分为2道统计题。
STEP 3 is based on A Level Mathematics and A Level Further Mathematics. The paper has 12 questions across three ps: the first contains 8 pure questions, the second contains 2 mechanics questions, and the third contains 2 probability/statistics questions.
STEP 3则与STEP 2相同。考察A Level数学和AS进阶数学。有12道试题,分为三个部分。第一部分为8道纯数题,第二部分为2道力学题,第三部分为2道统计题。
STEP 1:2019年6月10日
STEP 2:2019年6月17日
STEP 3:2019年6月21日
STEP考试与A Level考试在同一时期,对于备考的同学们来说压力不小。所以建议大家抓准机会提前准备,才可以有充足的时间来攻克难题哦。
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