美国KSU大学课堂是将学生的出勤率纳入课程考核范围的。对于考勤的规定每门课程都在Syllabus 作了要求。以教育学院Preschool Curriculum & Assessment课程为例,课程总分1255分,其中出满勤可以拿到225分,占了课程分数的18%。具体要求如下:
(Expectations for attending class are in accordance with the statement on attendance set forth in the Kennesaw State University Undergraduate Catalog. Every student is expected to attend all class sessions and related field experiences. For the online environment, this means meeting all deadlines and participating fully in required discussions.)
(This course is very participative in nature and many in-class group activities will take place in order to help the candidates practice utilizing various strategies and approaches presented in class. Therefore, you are expected to attend all sessions, participate in classroom activities, writing activities, discussions, literature circles on assigned readings, and submit all assignments on time and as a Word document.)
(Participation points also include bringing materials to class on time (articles, assignments, etc.). You may need to print materials from D2L ahead of time or have them available digitally. You are responsible for checking D2L for these handouts.)
(Attendance is required at each class meeting to receive full credit for class participation.)
(Ten points will be deducted for every full class absence, excused or not. However, an excused absence will permit a make-up quiz to be taken.)
(For every two absences, whether excused or not, the candidate’s final grade will be dropped one letter grade.)
(Missing four or more classes will result in failure of the course. Five points will be deducted for being tardy within the first half hour of class. The same applies if you leave early. Missing more than 30 minutes of class constitutes a full class absence, which will result in a 10-point deduction. Therefore, be on time for every class, and stay until dismissed.)
(Written documentation must be presented for absences in order to be considered excused (e.g., funeral, illness). It is your responsibility to contact me if you are going to be absent and to provide documentation for excused absences in a timely manner. It is your responsibility to contact me to arrange a make-up quiz in the event of an excused absence.)
Virginie Jackson.(2018). Preschool Curriculum & Assessment Syllabus. Georgia:Kennesaw State University
Nora W.Schlesinger.(2018).Teaching Reading and Writing in the Elementary Grades PK-2 Syllabus. Georgia:Kennesaw State University
Stacy Delacruz(2018).Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum
Syllabus.Georgia:Kennesaw State University
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