2024年A-Level 5月大考即将开考,同学们都做好了充分的准备吗?
1 允许携带入场的物品
Valid ID Document 有效身份证件
● 中国大陆考生凭有效的二代身份证或护照报名。
● 中国香港、澳门考生凭有效的身份证,护照或港澳居民居住证报名。
● 中国台湾考生凭有效的台湾居民来往大陆通行证(台胞证)或台湾居民居住证报名。
● 非中国籍考生凭有效的护照报名。
● 台湾护照并不能作为可接受的身份证件。如考生无法出示上述有效身份证件,将有可能无法参加考试。
● 考生必须携带报名时使用的有效证件原件参加考试,以便进行身份核实。如果认为考试时出示的身份证件不符合要求,有可能无法参加考试。
Statement of Entry (SOE) 准考证
● 准考证文件。该文件包含考点信息(非考场地址信息),考生信息和报考科目信息。
● 请在考试日出示纸质版准考证。
● 如果打印纸质准考证,请勿在上面作任何书写。
● 考生必须自行携带笔,圆规,尺子,橡皮(去掉外包装)等答题工具。
● 考生在考试期间不得以任何理由向其他考生借用文具等物品。
● 考点不提供备用文具。
● 除非在考试大纲或试卷封面指引明确说明禁止使用计算器,否则考生可以在考试期间使用计算器。
● 考试局没有对考生使用的计算器型号设置规定。
● 除特殊情况,考生必须移除计算器外壳,说明书,公示表等无关物品。
● 考点无法提供备用计算器。
● 考生在考试期间不得以任何理由向其他考生借用计算器或电池。
● 不能使用带图形显示,语言翻译,词典,数据库,远程通信,检索处理文本和公式,符号代数处理和符号微分功能的计算器。
Reference Materials 参考资料
● 只针对中文科目9868/32 Paper3,考生可以携带相关的文章书籍,但考试中心不提供该资料并且无法在替考生打印该资料。
● 词典必须仅有简单翻译功能,不能提供对词句的解释说明以及包含图片图示。
● 电子词典禁止使用在任何考试。
● 考点不提供词典。
● 以下情况不能使用词典 Cambridge International:
a) all O-level, AS/A-level exams (unless the syllabus says candidates can use them)
b) language exams in IGCSE (unless the syllabus says candidates cannot use them)
Pencil case文具盒
● 考生可以携带透明包装的文具盒带入考试房间。
Other Items其他物品
● 饮用水(必须装在去除外包装的透明瓶子中)
● 药物
● 口罩
2 禁止携带入场的物品
Rough Paper草稿纸
● 考生不允许使用草稿纸,草稿可写在试卷的空白地方。
● 任何类型的手表(包含数字显示或指针式电子手表,机械手表和智能手表)都禁止携带入场。
● 考场内为考生提供显眼的时钟,如无法看清时间信息,请向考试房间内的监考人员寻求帮助。
Electronic Device 电子设备
● 任何类型带数据存储和信息传递功能的电子设备都禁止携带入场。
● 其包含手机电话,照相机,电子阅读器,蓝牙耳机,平板电脑,笔记本电脑和智能穿戴设备(智能眼镜,智能手环等)。
● 不允许将食物带入考试房间。
● 携带违禁物品入场属于违规行为。考试中心将联系考试局汇报具体情况。考生有可能受到处罚并可能取消考试成绩。
3 考试日流程和考试规则
1.The venue staff at the entrance will conduct a checking if the venue has special entry requirement.
2.You may store your personal belongings and have your exam room number and seat number in the waiting room or designated area once you arrive at the venue. Please use the bathroom before entering the exam room.
3.You are suggested to arrive at the venue 60 minutes prior to the exam start time to complete the check-in.
4.You are not allowed to enter the exam room if you are late for 15 minutes.
5.You must present your valid identification document to the invigilator for original identity validation before entering the exam room. Please report to the centre before the exam day if there is any special circumstance including ID lost and amendment.
6.Your personal belongings will be checked by the invigilator before entering to the exam room. To comply with the exam board requirement, the handheld metal detector will be used during the check. Any unauthorized items found in the exam room will be confiscated and reported to exam board as malpractice.
7.After entering the exam room, please find your correct seat. You must follow the invigilator’s instruction. Do not write, open the exam materials before instructed to do so. Talking, cheating,and writing past time are also the malpractice, and will be reported to the exam board. Please raise your hand if you have any question.
8.The exam announcement will be read out in the exam room about 10-15 minutes prior to the exam start time.You are not allowed to go to toilet during the time of announcement,distributing exam paper and collection exam paper.
9.Wearing a mask during the exam is optional unless it is specially required by the venue.
10.No early leave is allowed。
11.Only a 5-minutes left warning will be provided. Please check the time regularly and to transfer your answers to the answer booklet and /or answer sheet.
12.Do not tear off and take away any exam materials.
13.Do not write anything on the formula book if you get one from the invigilator.
14.For Cambridge International time-clashed exams arrangement:
The exams will be completed consecutively, and the order of exams will be announced only when you arrive at the venue. A 15 minutes’ in-room supervised break will be arranged between exams and toilet break is allowed. Eating is allowed during the break, but you are not allowed to leave the venue for buying food. The break will be under full supervision of centre staff, and will note be allowed to communicate with others. If the total exam time delay another exam in a later session, full time of exam will be given.
Candidates must sit both of the two clashed exams, if candidates are absent for the first exam or arrive at the exam venue after Key Time, candidates will be disqualified to sit the second exam immediately.
注意考生必须全部参加全部两场考试。若考生缺席第一场考试或晚于Key Time到达考场,将直接被取消第二场考试资格。
For Cambridge International, ifthe clashed exams are arranged at different exam venues,we might not be able to adjust the time clash. Candidates must contact us inadvance if such time clash happens.
15.If you select to leave accompanied by your guardians on the exam day(s), please ensure your registered guardians will come to the exam venue before the end of exams on exam day and you can only leave after the invigilator confirm the identity of your accompanied guardians.
翰林课程体验,退费流程快速投诉邮箱: yuxi@linstitute.net 沪ICP备2023009024号-1