此套题仅 Section II含有简答题
其中Part A,共计时45分钟,共1题
Part B和Part C,共计70分钟,共2题
Part A,必答
1)In what ways did African Americans shape the course and consequences of the Civil War?
Confine your answer to the years from 1861 to 1870.
Document A
Source: Major General Benjamin F. Butler, report to the secretary of war, July 30, 1861.
In the village of Hampton there were a large number of Negroes, composed in a great measure of women and children who had fled thither within my lines for protection, who had escaped from marauding Rebels who had been gathering up able-bodied blacks to aid them in constructing their batteries on the James and York rivers . . .
First, what shall be done with them? Second, what is their state and condition? Upon these questions I desire the instruction of the department.
. . . Are these men, women, and children slaves? Are they free? Is their condition that of men, women, and children, or of property, or is it a mixed relation? What has been the effect of rebellion and a state of war on their status? When I adopted the theory of treating the able-bodied Negro fit to work in the trenches as property liable to be used in aid of rebellion, and so contraband of war, that condition of things was insofar met, as I then and still believe, on a legal and constitutional basis.
Part B,2-3择一
3)Analyze the political, economic, and religious tensions between immigrant Roman Catholics and native-born Protestants in the United States from the 1830s through the 1850s.
Part C,4-5择一
5)Analyze the ways in which the events and trends of the 1970s diminished the nation’s economic power and international influence, and challenged Americans’ confidence in both.
此套题仅 Section II含有简答题,共计时2小时10分钟,占总分50%
其中Part A,共计45分钟,共1题
Part B共计35分钟,共1题
Part C共计35分钟,共1题
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