其中Part A建议用时1小时05分钟,共5题,占Section II总分75%
Part B建议用时25分钟,共1题,占Section II总分25%
Part A:
1)An administrator at a large university is interested in determining whether the residential status of a student is associated with level of participation in extracurricular activities. Residential status is categorized as on campus for students living in university housing and off campus otherwise. A simple random sample of 100 students in the university was taken, and each student was asked the following two questions.
The responses of the 100 students are summarized in the frequency table shown.
Part B:
6) Jamal is researching the characteristics of a car that might be useful in predicting the fuel consumption rate (FCR); that is, the number of gallons of gasoline that the car requires to travel 100 miles under conditions of typical city driving. The length of a car is one explanatory variable that can be used to predict FCR. Graph I is a scatterplot showing the lengths of 66 cars plotted with the corresponding FCR. One point on the graph is labeled A.
Jamal examined the scatterplot and determined that a linear model would be a reasonable way to express the relationship between FCR and length. A computer output from a linear regression is shown below.
Linear Fit
FCR = -1.595789 + 0.0372614 * length
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0.250401
Root Mean Square Error 0.902382
Observations 66
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