此套题共分Part A、B、C三个部分
Part A共计45分钟,共计1题必答
Part B共计35分钟,三选一
Part C共计35分钟,三选一
Part A,阅读11个材料回答问题
1)Analyze changing conceptions of French national identity and culture in the period since 1960.
Historical background: In the wake of the Second World War, France became increasingly integrated into the global economy. Beginning in the 1960s, France also experienced growing rates of immigration, mostly from former French colonies.
Document 1
Source: Maurice Duverger, political analyst, newspaper interview, 1964.
It must be said, it must be written. There is only one immediate danger for Europe, and that is American civilization. There will be no Stalinism or communism in France. They are scarecrows that frighten only sparrows now. . . . Today, all that belongs to the past. On the other hand, the pressure of American society, the domination of the American economy, the invasion of the American mentality—all that is very dangerous. . . . [But the French] cultural ensemble that is at the core of [our] attitudes is shaped by a completely different historical legacy. I think this element will help us resist pressure from America.
Part B,三选一回答
2)Analyze the ways in which Napoleon Bonaparte both supported and undermined the main goals of the French Revolution during his rule of France (1799–1815).
Part C,三选一回答
5)Analyze the ways in which the expansion of the market economy and new financial practices affected European society in the period 1450 to 1750.
此套题在Section I 和Section II均含有简答题
Section I Part B共计40分钟,共3题
Section II共计1小时40分钟,共2题
2015 AP European History FRQ真题
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